iDEAL Licencee (Acquirer / Issuer) - Application, Certification and Technical Implementation

iDEAL Licencee (Acquirer / Issuer) - Application, Certification and Technical Implementation

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On this page you will find all information how to become an iDEAL Licencee (Issuer or Acquirer). 

Please note that only Payment Service Providers (PSPs) with a European payment licence can become an iDEAL Partner. This licence must be listed in the official register of the central financial institute of your country and it must be ‘passported’ to those countries in which you want to market your services. In the Netherlands this is the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank):https://www.dnb.nl/en/public-register/. If you do not yet have a licence, you must start with your application for this licence as soon as possible as the iDEAL Rules & Regulations (R&R) state that all PSPs must have a licence.

1. Application iDEAL


Please follow the next steps to apply for the Issuer or Acquirer Role for you Institution:

Please read the General notes on the iDEAL Rules & Regulations (R&R), the iDEAL R&R definitions and the iDEAL Acceptance Regulations.
NB The Acceptance Regulations are similar to an NDA.

The document ‘General notes on the iDEAL R&R’ contains links. You can only click on these links when you have full access to the iDEAL R&R . You will receive full access after finalising the Application.

When you agree with the Acceptance Regulations, please fill in the Licence Agreement Application Form () for the role of Issuer or Acquirer) and email the completed and signed (by the legal representative of your Institution) Application Form to certification@ideal.nl. Then your Institution will receive full access to the iDEAL Rules & Regulations (R&R). 

You can find more information about our iDEAL Licencee fees on ideal.nl.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email: certification@ideal.nl.


2. Certification iDEAL


To certify your Institution as an Acquirer or Issuer, you need to follow the below steps:

The next steps contain links. You can only click on these links when you have full access to the iDEAL R&R . You will receive full access when you have completed the Application, please see step ‘1. Application iDEAL’.

Please read all relevant iDEAL R&R documentation: The description and requirements of the Issuer or Acquirer Role you have requested. For each Role, Currence has drawn up an overview of which the iDEAL R&R documents apply:

After reading the above documentation, please contact us for an introduction call via certification@ideal.nl. In this call we will also explain the next steps and we can answer your questions.

When you are ready to start the certification, Currence will give your Institution access to your own private certification environment to fill in a draft version the Control Self-Assessment (CSA) Form.

After finalisation, our Certification Compliance Manager will send its report to the Management Board of Currence. When the Management Board agrees with the outcome of the certification, your Institution will receive a Licence Agreement.


3. Technical Implementation iDEAL


Parallel with step '2. Certification iDEAL', your Institution can start with the technical implementation of the issuing or acquiring connection.

Licencees need access to the Technical Specifications, for which a non-recurring fee of € 1,000.00 has to be paid.

The link to the iDEAL API Specifiations can only be used if you have access to the iDEAL R&R Technical Specifications of Currence. You will receive this access after you have submitted the Application form (see step 1 ‘Application’).

There are central test tools available against which the implementations can/must be tested.



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