The contents of the eMandate acceptance report are described in the following table. This acceptance report represents the actual eMandate.
Section |
Column |
| eMandates mapping to ISO pain.012 | ISO Message Element | eMandates Requirement |
| -<MndtAccptncRpt
> | --<GrpHdr> | 3 | Message Identification <MsgId> | Identifies the eMandate message for the Status report. Max35Text Format: maxLength: 35, minLength: 1 | 4 | Creation Date Time <CreDtTm> | Creation date and time of the eMandate message. UTC time format (YYYY-MM- DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ) ISO 8601. | --<Authstn> | 6 | Proprietary <Prtry> | ValidationService.ValidationReference . The reference to the eMandate validation log of the Validation Service. This reference is created by the Validation Service.
Note |
Note: It must be included in the SEPA Direct Debit collections that follow under this eMandate. By including the reference it can be identified by the Validation Service that an eMandate was submitted for the direct debit collection (e.g. in case of disputes). |
| -<UndrlygAccptncDtls> | --<OrgnlMsgInf> | 9 | Message Identification <MsgId> | Message Identification from the original 009 (initiation) or 010 (amendment) message for which this is the Acceptance Report | 10 | Message Name Identification <MsgNmId> | Message.NameID. Specifies the type of request to which the message refers (Must be "Issuing" or "Amendment") | ---<AccptncRslt>
| 12 | Accepted <Accptd> | Result of the Debtor validation. Must be 1 or technical equivalent | ---<OrgnlMndt> (Contains the information of the original eMandate that needs to be amended) | ----<OrgnlMndt> | 16 | Mandate Identification <MndtId> | eMandate.eMandateID . The emandate ID of the to be (e)Mandate. | 17 | Mandate Request Identification <MndtReqId> | eMandate.TransactionID. The transaction ID that was used for the (e)Mandate transaction. eMAN
| ----<Tp>
| -----<SvcLvl>
| 20 | Code <Cd> | The identification code of the Scheme. Must be: SEPA | -----<LclInstrm>
| 22 | Code <Cd> | The identification code of the Instrument (Core /B2B). Must be: CORE to indicate a Core direct debit. B2B to indicate a B2B direct debit. The mixing of different Local Instrument values is not allowed in the same message. | ----<Ocrncs>
| 24 | Sequence Type <SeqTp> | eMandate.SequenceType. Indicates type of eMandate: one-off Direct Debit or recurring. Format: 'OOFF' or 'RCUR'
| 30 | Maximum Amount <MaxAmt Ccy="EUR">
(only if provided) | eMandate.MaxAmount
eMAN. Only allowed in B2B, not in Core | ----<Rsn> | 33 | Proprietary <Prtry> (only if provided) | eMandate.Reason
| ----<CdtrSchmeId>
| ----- <Id>
| ------<PrvtId>
| -------<Othr>
| 38 | ID <Id > | Creditor.CreditorID. Direct Debit Contract number of the Creditor.
| --------<SchmeNm>
| 40 | Code <Cd> | Must be 'SEPA' | ----<Cdtr>
| 42 | Name <Nm> | Creditor.Name . Name of the Creditor as registererd registered with Routing Service. eMAN
| ----- <PstlAdr>
| 44 | Country <Ctry> | Creditor.Country. Country of the postal address of the Creditor. Format: [A-Z]{2,2} eMAN
| 45.1 | Address Line <AdrLine> | Creditor.AddressLine1 . Creditor's P.O. Box or street name + building + add-on (if any). Format: Max70Text eMAN | 45.2 | Address Line <AdrLine> | Creditor.AddressLine2. Creditor's Postcode and City. Format: Max70Text eMAN | ----<UltmtCdtr> Optional | 47 | Name <Nm> | Creditor.TradeName. Any Tradename registered with Routing Service. May only be used when meaningfully different from Creditor.Name eMAN | ----<Dbtr> | 49 | Name <Nm> | Debtor.AccountName . Name of the Debtor as registered by the Validation Service. Limited to 70 characters in length.
| -----<Id> Optional | ------<PrvtId> | -------<Othr>
| 53 | ID <Id> | eMandate.DebtorReference. Reference ID that identifies the Debtor to the Creditor. Issued by the Creditor. Format: Max35Text eMAN | ----<DbtrAcct> | -----<Id> | 56 | IBAN <IBAN> | Debtor.IBAN . Debtor's bank account number. IBAN (ISO 13616) | ----<DbtrAgt>
| -----<FinInstnId> | 59 | BICFI <BICFI> | Debtor.DebtorBankID. BIC of the Debtor Bank eMAN
| ----<UltmtDbtr> | 60 | Name <Nm> | Debtor.SignerName. Name of the person signing the eMandate. Format: Max70Text. eMAN
Expand |
| In case of multiple signing, all signernames signer names must be included in this field, separated by comma's. If the total would exceed the maximum of 70 characters, the names are cut off at 65 characters and ,e.a. is added after the last name. |
| ----<RfrdDoc> Optional | -----<Tp> | ------<CdOrPrtry> | 65 | Proprietary <Prtry> | eMandate.PurchaseID. The purchaseID provided by the Creditor that acts as a reference for the Creditor from eMandate to a purchase-order. Format: Max35Text eMAN
Div |
style | padding-left: 1cm |
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Excerpt |
Column |
| Example Message Code Block |
| <!--see iDx docs for non-container iDx message content-->
<AdrLine>DemoStreet 1</AdrLine>
<AdrLine>DemoPostalCode DemoCity</AdrLine>
<Nm>J.D. Doe and Co</Nm>
<Nm>Johnny Doe</Nm>
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
<SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />
<Reference URI="">
<Transform Algorithm="" />
<Transform Algorithm="" />
<DigestMethod Algorithm="" />
<!--see iDx docs for non-container iDx message content--> |