openapi: 3.0.3 info: version: "2.0.5" title: Merchant/CPSP Callback API license: name: (c) Currence. This specification is provided for review purposes only. Modifications are not allowed. description: |- The set of APIs defining the contract to be implemented by Merchants/CPSPs to support the callback triggered by iDEAL on transaction status transitions. **Important note** iDEAL does not do any adjustments to callback URLs and calls them as is, which means iDEAL will do callback to the very same URLs as they were provided in initial requests (Transaction creation, QR code creation, etc.). This also means that all paths provided in this file should be considered as recommended and examples. **Authentication** iDEAL authenticates with all the Merchants/CPSPs by providing the signature in the request Signature header. **Digital Signatures** All requests to the Merchants/CPSPs are authenticated using JSON Web Signatures (JWS). The use of JWS serves as a mechanism for authentication and guarantees the integrity of all requests that are sent to Merchants/CPSPs. The JWS must be included in all API requests using a signature header. **TLS Encryption and Authentication** All requests to Merchants/CPSPs are encrypted using preferably TLS 1.3 or TLS 1.2 (if 1.3 is not possible) and must be made over HTTPS. The Merchant/CPSP must refuse any connections without TLS encryption, such as plain HTTP. **Security Requirements** * The requests are signed using a Detached JWS Signature. * Algorithms for signing (selected from [RFC7518]( are: * ES256 (ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256) * ES384 (ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384) * All requests must be authenticated by verifying signatures. This includes the body, path, and certain headers of each request. * The certificates for signature verification MUST be provided in a JSON Web Key (JWK) format as JSON Web Key Set (JWKS). iDEAL will share their JWKS through a publicly hosted URL (on HTTPS). For ease of key exchange, Merchants/CPSPs should fetch the JWKS from the specified URL frequently (at least every 1 hour) and cache the latest data. * The JWK used for signature verification will be identified by the Key Id (kid) which forms part of the JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) Header of the JWS. * The kid MUST NOT be hardcoded in any way on either side. iDEAL may use different Keys for signing each request, therefore it is important to specifically use the kid in the headers to fetch the right public key from JWKS. * The entire certificate chain must be included in x5c parameter of the hosted JWK. The Root CA must be well-known and trusted. Self-signed certificates are not accepted. * The Merchant/CPSP does not need to sign the responses as there is no response body in the callback responses. * The JWS must be computed as per the specifications documented. * The Merchant/CPSP can use IP whitelisting for this API. * iDEAL offers a fixed list of IP addresses for the following environments: * EXT:, * PROD:,,,,,,,, * Only IPv4 is supported in this API. **Signature Verification for callback endpoints** iDEAL will sign the callback requests using a JWS signature (see the specification of the Signature header for more details). The Merchant/CPSP must verify that: * Callback messages originated from iDEAL * Were not altered or corrupted during transmission * Are targeted for you * Contain a valid signature. **iDEAL Callback Retry Policy** iDEAL assumes a timeout of 8000 ms for this endpoint and attempts to perform retries of the callback up to 24 hours. In the event, the Merchant/CPSP does not respond within 8 seconds with an 'Http 204' to the initial callback, iDEAL retries delivering the callback with the following schedule: * 1st attempt: immediately (In exceptional circumstances this message could be delayed by 3 hours) * 2nd attempt: 5 seconds after 1st attempt * 3rd attempt: 30 seconds after 2nd attempt (approx 35 seconds after initial callback) * 4th attempt: 1 minute after 3rd attempt (approx 1 minute, 35 seconds after initial callback) * 5th attempt: 10 minutes after 4th attempt (approx 11 minutes after initial callback) * 6th attempt: 1 hour after 5th attempt (approx 1 hour after initial callback) * 7th attempt: 5 hours after 6th attempt (approx 6 hours after initial callback) * 8th attempt: 8 hours after 7th attempt (approx 14 hours after initial callback) * 9th attempt: 10 hours after 8th attempt (approx 24 hours after initial callback) * After the 9th attempt (24 hours), iDEAL stops trying to resend the callback. iDEAL retries to send a callback for the following scenarios: * Not responding in 8 seconds to the callback. * The HTTP response code is different from 204 Please note that the content of the callback does not change. The status, headers, body, and target URL remains as just as the first attempt; except for the signature, which will be generated for every retry. **Versioning and Compatibility** The APIs are versioned according to the [Semantic Versioning]( standards. In short, given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH: * `MAJOR` version increments when there are forward incompatible API changes. * `MINOR` version increments when functionalities are added in a forward compatible manner. * `PATCH` version increments for forward compatible bug fixes. * Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata can be available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format. API Compatibility Policy: * This API follows the robustness principle: "be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others". This means the following cases must not cause an error on iDEAL or the Merchant/CPSP: * unrecognized query parameters * unrecognized headers * unrecognized fields in the body * Generally iDEAL will be leading on the API releases, therefore for this API, a compatible change is a change that is ***forward compatible***. Merchant/CPSP as the server, with proper implementation of a previous version, should be able to continue working if they do not upgrade their version. * The following table indicates the compatibility policies for this API: | **Change Description** | **Forward Compatibility** | < | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | -------------- | | | **Requests** | **Responses** | | Adding new endpoints/methods | ✅ Compatible | N/A | | Adding/Removing/Modifying optional fields/headers | ✅ Compatible | ✅ Compatible | | Adding new required fields with default values | ✅ Compatible | ✅ Compatible | | Changes to the order of fields | ✅ Compatible | ✅ Compatible | | Changes to the comments/descriptions as long as it does not change the functionality and purpose of a field (Patch version) | ✅ Compatible | ✅ Compatible | | Adding/Removing/Modifying the name of optional authentication/authorization mechanisms | ✅ Compatible | ✅ Compatible | | Removing/Modifying existing URIs (such as hostname, port or path) | ⚠️ Breaking | N/A | | Modifying the behavior of existing authentication/authorization mechanisms (e.g. algorithm) | ⚠️ Breaking | ⚠️ Breaking | | Adding validations for fields | ⚠️ Breaking | ⚠️ Breaking | | Changing the structure or relationship between required fields (e.g. making an existing field a child of another field) | ⚠️ Breaking | ⚠️ Breaking | | Changing the semantic and/or functionality of fields (e.g. use an existing field as a unique key) | ⚠️ Breaking | ⚠️ Breaking | | Changing the type of fields | ⚠️ Breaking | ⚠️ Breaking | | Removing/Modifying required fields/headers | ⚠️ Breaking | ✅ Compatible | | Removing/Modifying the name of required authentication/authorization mechanisms | ⚠️ Breaking | ✅ Compatible | | Changing required fields to optional fields | ⚠️ Breaking | ✅ Compatible | | Adding required fields/headers without a default value | ✅ Compatible | ⚠️ Breaking | | Changing validations to more limited criteria. example: changing field size from 20 to 10, the external client's/server's assumption breaks | ✅ Compatible | ⚠️ Breaking | | Changing validations to less limited criteria. example: changing field size from 10 to 20, the external client's/server's validation layer breaks | ⚠️ Breaking | ✅ Compatible | | Changing an optional field to a required field | ✅ Compatible | ⚠️ Breaking | | Adding a new HTTP response code | N/A | ✅ Compatible | | Adding to the Enum range | ⚠️ Breaking | ✅ Compatible | | Removing from the Enum range | ✅ Compatible | ✅ Compatible | **Timezones and Time Formats** * All the time fields are in UTC and all parties MUST synchronize their clocks to UTC * [ISODateTime standard](, in UTC time format(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ) is the basis for timestamp fields. **Other Requirements** * All parties must use UTF-8 character set in their requests and responses. * For optional fields, null values are not permitted. If an optional value is not present, it should not be added to the request/response. paths: /merchant-cpsp/transaction-callback: post: description: |- Each Merchant/CPSP needs to define a specific endpoint in their backend to receive the final state of a transaction (e.g., and provide it in `CreateTransactionRequest.transactionCallbackUrl` field. This endpoint will be called by iDEAL with details about the transaction. This allows the Merchant/CPSP's backend to process the data (mark the transaction in the database, update the product count number, send email to the user, etc.). Since webhooks are asynchronous, their order is not guaranteed. This endpoint should be idempotent, meaning given the same `transactionId` it should return the same result. Thus, the Merchant/CPSP must handle duplicate messages. summary: Notify the Merchant/CPSP about the final state of a transaction security: - JWS-Request-Signature: [ ] parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Request-ID" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Content-Type" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionCallbackRequest" responses: "204": description: "Callback received by the Merchant/CPSP successfully." headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "401": description: "Invalid Signature" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "403": description: "Access Denied" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "405": description: "Method not allowed" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "429": description: "Too Many Requests" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "500": description: "Internal Server Error" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "502": description: "Bad Gateway" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "503": description: "Service Unavailable" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "504": description: "Gateway Timeout" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "509": description: "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" operationId: transactionCallback tags: - Callback to Merchant/CPSP /merchant-cpsp/user-token-callback: post: description: |- Each Merchant/CPSP can define a specific endpoint in their backend for receiving the userToken (e.g., and provide it in `CreateTransactionRequest.userTokenCallbackUrl` field. This endpoint will be called by iDEAL when the user opts to be remembered for a merchant, meaning the user should also have an account on that merchant. The Merchant/CPSP must save and correlate this userToken to the user account on the merchant side. By sending this userToken in further create transaction requests, the user can use the iDEAL profile recognition feature for that merchant. This endpoint should be idempotent, meaning given the same `transactionId` and `userToken` it should return the same result. Thus, the Merchant/CPSP must handle duplicate messages. The Merchant/CPSP should always overwrite the userToken for an existing user on their side, in case they receive a different one. summary: Notify the Merchant/CPSP with generated userToken associated to a transaction. security: - JWS-Request-Signature: [ ] parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Request-ID" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Content-Type" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UserTokenCallbackRequest" responses: "204": description: "UserTokenCallback received by the Merchant/CPSP successfully." headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "401": description: "Invalid Signature" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "403": description: "Access Denied" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "405": description: "Method not allowed" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "429": description: "Too Many Requests" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "500": description: "Internal Server Error" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "502": description: "Bad Gateway" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "503": description: "Service Unavailable" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "504": description: "Gateway Timeout" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "509": description: "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" operationId: userTokenCallback tags: - Callback to Merchant/CPSP /merchant-cpsp/qr-callback: post: description: |- Each Merchant/CPSP needs to define a specific endpoint in their backend to receive identify calls made on iDEAL QR codes. (e.g., and provide it in `CreateQRCodeRequest.qrCallbackUrl` field. This endpoint will be called by iDEAL with details about the QR code and the associated transaction. This allows the Merchant/CPSP's backend to process the data (mark the qrcode/transaction in the database, update the product count number, send email to the user, etc.). Since webhooks are asynchronous, their order is not guaranteed. This endpoint should be idempotent, meaning given the same `transactionId` and `qrCodeId` it should return the same result. Thus, the Merchant/CPSP must handle duplicate messages. summary: Notify the Merchant/CPSP about the identification of an iDEAL QR Code. security: - JWS-Request-Signature: [ ] parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Request-ID" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/Content-Type" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QRCallbackRequest" responses: "204": description: "Callback received by the Merchant/CPSP successfully." headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "401": description: "Invalid Signature" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "403": description: "Access Denied" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "405": description: "Method not allowed" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "429": description: "Too Many Requests" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "500": description: "Internal Server Error" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "502": description: "Bad Gateway" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "503": description: "Service Unavailable" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "504": description: "Gateway Timeout" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" "509": description: "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" headers: Request-ID: $ref: "#/components/headers/Request-ID" operationId: qrCallback tags: - Callback to Merchant/CPSP components: parameters: Request-ID: in: header name: Request-ID description: |- Unique request correlation id [correlating request.]( It will be echoed back in response. schema: type: string pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$" example: "u06zf2cMq-w6ciUvZ8_MeVaQ4h" minLength: 1 maxLength: 36 required: true Content-Type: in: header name: Content-Type required: true description: The Content-Type entity header is used to indicate the media type of the resource. schema: type: string default: application/json securitySchemes: JWS-Request-Signature: type: apiKey name: Signature in: header description: |- This field is the [Detached JWS signature of the request]( The Public Key(s) of iDEAL are in [JWK format]( as [JWKS]( and they are hosted on a URL by iDEAL for the following environments: * EXT (External): * PROD (Production): The Merchant/CPSP, using the kid claim in the JOSE header of the request, must find the right public key from this URL and verify the signature. The signature must be computed as following: jws = base64URLEncode(JOSE Header)..alg(base64URLEncode(JOSE Header).base64URLEncode(Request Body)) [JOSE Header]( = { "typ": "jose+json", "kid": "JWK kid", "alg": "[ES256(ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256. Corresponding keysize 256 bit)] (", "" : "{creditorId} as provided in", "" : "iDEAL", "" : "{Current creation date time in [ISODateTime standard](, expressed in UTC time format(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ), expressed in UTC time format(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ)}, "" : "{Request-ID}", "": "request path eg. /v2/transactions/{transactionId}" "crit": ["", "", "", "", ""] } schemas: TransactionCallbackRequest: type: object title: TransactionCallbackRequest description: |- iDEAL, via this callback, informs the Merchant/CPSP about the final state of a transaction. properties: transactionId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionId" amount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Amount" description: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionDescription" reference: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionReference" createdDateTimestamp: type: string format: date-time description: |- The creation timestamp of the transaction in [ISODateTime standard](, expressed in UTC time format(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ) expiryDateTimestamp: type: string format: date-time description: |- The timestamp from which the transaction will expire in [ISODateTime standard](, expressed in UTC time format(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ) finalStateDateTimestamp: type: string format: date-time description: |- If the transaction is SUCCEEDED, then this field represents the timestamp on which the transaction was SUCCEEDED in [ISODateTime standard](, expressed in UTC time format(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ) status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionStatus" guaranteedAmount: type: integer description: |- The amount guaranteed by the Issuer to the Merchant/CPSP in Eurocents. Only included if status is 'SUCCESS'. For transactions with a FIXED amount, the Merchant/CPSP should verify that this value is equal to the value of the amount. In case of discrepancy (although it is not expected to happen in practice), the Merchant/CPSP must flag the records and contact the respective issuer. format: int64 example: 1000 minimum: 1 maximum: 999999999999 debtor: type: object description: The details of the debtor (Available only after the transaction is in SUCCEEDED state) title: debtor properties: iban: type: string description: |- Account number of the consumer in IBAN (ISO 13616) format. Corresponding to iDEAL 1.0 field 'transaction.consumerIBAN' example: "NL44RABO0123456789" externalDocs: description: International Bank Account Number url: "" pattern: "^[a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}$" minLength: 1 bic: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DebtorBIC" name: type: string description: |- The name of the debtor according to the name of the account used for payment. Corresponding to iDEAL 1.0 field 'transaction.consumerName' example: "Edsger Wybe Dijkstra" minLength: 1 maxLength: 70 checkoutDetails: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DebtorCheckoutDetails" required: - name - iban issuerId: type: string description: |- The business identifier code for the Issuer. This field will be provided only if status is `SUCCESS` minLength: 8 maxLength: 11 pattern: "^[A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}$" example: "RABONL2UXXX" externalDocs: description: The ISO 9362 standard for the Business Identifer Code url: "" required: - transactionId - description - reference - amount - createdDateTimestamp - status QRCallbackRequest: type: object title: QRCallbackRequest properties: qrCodeId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QRCodeId" transactionId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionId" amount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QRAmount" description: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionDescription" reference: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionReference" createdDateTimestamp: type: string format: date-time description: |- The creation timestamp of the transaction in [ISODateTime standard](, expressed in UTC time format(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ) expiryDateTimestamp: type: string format: date-time description: |- The timestamp from which the transaction will expire in [ISODateTime standard](, expressed in UTC time format(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ) required: - qrCodeId - transactionId - description - reference - amount - createdDateTimestamp AmountCommons: type: object properties: type: type: string description: |- * _FIXED_ - The amount defined by the merchant can not be changed by the user * _CHANGE_ - The amount defined by the merchant can be changed by the user within the defined bounds * _DEFINE_ - The amount needs to be defined by the user enum: - FIXED - CHANGE - DEFINE default: FIXED maximum: type: integer format: int64 description: |- Conditionally used for amount type CHANGE or DEFINE. The value in case of CHANGE should be greater than or equal to the amount value. In case of FIXED, this value will be ignored. example: 10000 maximum: 999999999999 minimum: 1 minimum: type: integer format: int64 description: |- Conditionally used for amount type CHANGE or DEFINE. The value in case of CHANGE should be less than or equal to the amount. In case of FIXED, this value will be ignored. example: 1 maximum: 999999999999 minimum: 1 currency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Currency" Amount: type: object allOf: - type: object properties: amount: type: integer format: int64 description: |- Amount in cents. REQUIRED field when amount type is FIXED or CHANGE. Corresponding to iDEAL 1.0 field 'transaction.amount' (Note: in iDEAL 1.0 amount is in Euros but here it is in Eurocents) example: 1100 minimum: 1 maximum: 999999999999 breakdown: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AmountBreakdown" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AmountCommons" QRAmount: type: object allOf: - type: object properties: amount: type: integer format: int64 description: |- Amount in cents. REQUIRED field when amount type is FIXED or CHANGE example: 1100 minimum: 1 maximum: 999999999999 - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AmountCommons" UserTokenCallbackRequest: type: object title: UserTokenCallbackRequest description: iDEAL informs the Merchant/CPSP about creation of a userToken for a specefic user and a specific merchant. The userToken can be used in future CreateTransaction requests to recognise a user. properties: transactionId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionId" userToken: type: string example: Z7xmaEJlB3rDLpmln9xbUlaQ description: |- The token generated by iDEAL for the debtor of the transaction (for this merchant only). The Merchant/CPSP should store and correlate this token to the related user's account on their end. To use the profile recognition feature in further transactions, it must be provided in `CreateTransactionRequest.expectedDebtor.userToken` field. minLength: 1 maxLength: 128 Currency: type: string enum: - EUR default: EUR description: "currency code. Only EUR is supported. [ISO 4217] format" externalDocs: url: "" description: ISO 4217 format of the CURRENCY DebtorBIC: type: string description: |- The business identifier code of the bank where the consumer's account is held. Corresponding to iDEAL 1.0 field 'transaction.consumerBIC' minLength: 8 maxLength: 11 example: "ABNANL2AXXX" externalDocs: description: The ISO 9362 standard for the Bank Identifer Code url: "" TransactionStatus: type: string enum: - OPEN - IDENTIFIED - EXPIRED - CANCELLED - SUCCESS - FAILURE description: |- | Status | Description | |--------|-------------| | OPEN | The transaction is created and is open to be scanned by the user. The final status is not known. | | IDENTIFIED | The transaction has been identified and locked by a user. The final status is not known. | | EXPIRED | The transaction has expired. | | CANCELLED | The transaction was canceled. | | SUCCESS | The transaction has succeeded. | | FAILURE | The transaction has failed. | TransactionId: type: string minLength: 16 maxLength: 16 description: The Unique transaction Identifier. Corresponding to iDEAL 1.0 field 'transaction.transactionId'. example: "0001000000000001" pattern: "[0-9]{16}" QRCodeId: type: string minLength: 16 maxLength: 16 description: The Unique QR Code Identifier. example: "8azd1y7x9qvaf2k1" pattern: "[0-9a-z]{16}" TransactionDescription: type: string description: |- The description of the reason for the transaction. The text here is shown to the user while he/she is trying to make the transaction. It will also be shown on the bank statement of the user after payment. Corresponding to iDEAL 1.0 field 'transaction.description' example: "Cookie" minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 TransactionReference: type: string description: |- The external transaction reference used to reference the transaction in the calling party's system. Corresponding to iDEAL 1.0 field 'transaction.purchaseId'. It will also be shown on the bank statement of the user after payment. As this field is used to reconcile, a restricted set of characters must be used that can be supported within SEPA. example: "iDEALpurchase21" minLength: 1 maxLength: 35 pattern: "[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,35}" AmountBreakdown: type: object description: |- Breakdown of the transaction amount. The sum of all the fields within this breakdown must be equal to the transaction amount (see `TransactionCallbackRequest.amount.amount`). Breakdown is only required if the transaction is a checkout one. For standard iDEAL transactions, the breakdown is not needed. properties: orderAmount: type: integer format: int64 description: |- Order amount in cents. example: 1000 minimum: 0 maximum: 999999999999 shippingCost: type: integer format: int64 description: |- Shipping costs in cents. This field is used only in the fast-checkout flow (`CreateTransactionRequest.TransactionFlow=FAST_CHECKOUT`). example: 100 minimum: 0 maximum: 999999999999 required: - orderAmount - shippingCost DebtorCheckoutDetails: type: object title: DebtorCheckoutDetails description: |- The checkout details defined by the debtor before completing the transaction. By default, the invoice address will be the same as the shipping address unless it is explicitly changed by the debtor. **Note:** This field is only available if the transaction is `SUCCEEDED` and has the fast-checkout flow enabled (`CreateTransactionRequest.amount.breakdown.shippingCost` was defined). properties: contactDetails: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DebtorContactDetails" shippingAddress: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Address" invoiceAddress: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Address" DebtorContactDetails: type: object title: DebtorContactDetails properties: firstName: type: string description: The first name of the debtor (can be different from the first name in the contact details) example: "Edsger" minLength: 1 lastName: type: string description: The last name of the debtor (can be different from the last name in the contact details) example: "Dijkstra" minLength: 1 phoneNumber: type: string description: The phone number of the debtor in E.164 format pattern: "^\\+[1-9][0-9]{1,14}$" example: "+31612345678" email: type: string description: The e-mail address of the debtor format: email example: "" minLength: 1 Address: type: object title: Address properties: firstName: type: string description: The first name of the debtor example: "Edsger" minLength: 1 lastName: type: string description: The last name of the debtor example: "Dijkstra" minLength: 1 companyName: type: string description: The company name of the debtor example: "Cookie factory" minLength: 1 postalCode: type: string description: The postal code of the address without spaces example: "1234AB" minLength: 1 houseNumber: type: string description: The house number of the address example: "100" minLength: 1 addition: type: string description: The addition of the address example: "2B" minLength: 1 street: type: string description: The street of the address example: "Bankastraat" minLength: 1 city: type: string description: The city of the address example: "Amsterdam" minLength: 1 countryName: type: string description: Name of the country example: "Netherlands" minLength: 1 headers: Request-ID: description: |- Unique request correlation id [correlating request.]( It will be echoed back in response. schema: type: string pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$" example: "u06zf2cMq-w6ciUvZ8_MeVaQ4h" minLength: 1 maxLength: 36 required: true